Our new product HeiCard for iPhone4/4s unlock ! unlock in 20s, fast than extremesnow!

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Now 1.7A2 support ios 5.1.1,UltraSnowCN is a unlock tools,work with any gevey sim.It can get the signal automatically,no more 112,no more flight mode,you just power on your iphone4 and wait for the signal show up.it can unlock Baseband 04.10.01 03.10.01 02.10.04. 01.59.01

The newest version is 1.7a2,it support furiousmod ultra sim,after you install and reboot,about 3 mins signal will come.if no,please dial 111,it will reset baseband and unlock again,show "no sim insert" is right,signal will show.

If you install or update to v1.6b4,it can not work and when dial 111 the signalbar not change to"searching......",that is ultrasnowcn not running,please uninstall "mobile substrate"and v1.6b4 in cydia ,after install v1.6b4 again,it will work!

“ExtremeSnow” is unlocker with magicsim,if you have the ki of a gsm sim(not usim),you can make a magicsim, it will ulock your iphone4 perfectly,no need geveysim,no need 112!

How to make a magicsim work with Extremesnow?

1,you have a simcard reader and a magicsim(16in1 surpersim or 6in1 dogsim).

2,use simscanner software (as SimMaster2011,simonscan,FD) to search ki of your gsm sim.

3,write magicsim No.1 is the original data (your iccid ,imsi,ki,mcn)

4,write magicsim No.2 is the fake data (your iccid,fake imsi,your ki,your mcn),the fake imsi is 08091010xxxxxxxxxx,xx is part of yours.

How to buy the code?

With paypal,we will sent the code to your paypal email box in one day.Thank you.


Cydia Source http://ultra.chinasnow.net

redsn0w for jailbreak iOS 5.0.1
